
Installing an education management information system (EMIS) is increasingly becoming a need rather than a choice. The use of multiple software tools and data storage devices is one of the few things all higher education institutions have prevalent. Each of these systems has to be connected to operate at optimum efficiency and increase productivity. By acting as a single "hub" for all the necessary information, communications and education management information systems enable precisely that.

Objectives of the EMIS Unit

  • To increase the capacity for data processing, storage, analysis and provision of educational management information so that academics may access fast and accurate information.
  • To generate more timely, accurate, and pertinent data for decision-making, policy development, and decision-support efforts at every level of college.

Roles and Responsibilities of the EMIS Unit

  • Install a sophisticated EMIS that can meet the college’s requirements.
  • Should gather data regularly and keep it secure.
  • Make the library automated by using EMIS.
  • Collecting, organizing and storing student data and the whole college’s data, as well as processing, analysing and producing different reports from it.
  • Analysis of the gathered data so that the college’s administration and decision-makers may make data-driven conclusions.
  • Increase information technology literacy among faculty, personnel and students.
  • Increase the percentage of EMIS users who use it for administrative, educational and research objectives.
  • Make the website and social media updated.
  • Increase faculty, staff and student technology assimilation capabilities.